Join our centre management committee

Approximate time required
4 meetings a year

If you would like to help scouting but don't have the time to be a leader or helper, then our centre management committee is a great way of helping local scouting with minimal time commitment.

Our management committee plays a key role in the running of the Battersea Scout Centre. The committee usually meets four times a year. Members make decisions and carry out administrative tasks to ensure that the centre is well maintained and run. The committee plays a very important part in the running of the centre. In fact, we could not function properly without it!

Although the title makes it sound very formal, it is not like that at all - our committee is made up of people like you! All our committee members have different skills to offer, come from different backgrounds and have varying experiences. This helps to ensure a variety of perspectives and a more rounded and effective committee.

This is a rewarding role and is ideal for someone who would like to support the growth and development of young people and our volunteer leadership teams across Wandsworth but not by working directly with young people. 

No previous experience of scouting is necessary. What’s more important is your own skills and experience as well as empathy with our mission and values. We provide a warm welcome, a sociable network and a short online learning module to help you get started as well as lots of ongoing support. 

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