
Sorry, our Cubs section is currently full
Sorry, our Scouts section is currently full
Each week, we give young people the opportunity to enjoy fun and adventure while developing the skills they need to succeed, now and in the future. We’re talking about teamwork, leadership and resilience – skills that have helped scouts become social workers, teachers, doctors, engineers, fire fighters, bus drivers, nurses, foster parents and olympians (to name but a few): In short they are the people who make our society work. Scouts are all around you. You will know them by their values: cooperation, respect and integrity that they learnt when they were young.
When our members memorised their scout promise on a cold weekday night, they are not just joining a youth club, they are choosing a code which many of them will follow throughout their lives. They are making a choice to live a meaningful life, full of fun, adventure and friendship and to put others before themselves.
Join us in creating a lasting impact through Scouting – where every adventure, every skill learned, and every bond formed is because our team make it possible.
Scouting only happens because of our volunteers! As part of our team, you can help us inspire the next generation, build lifelong friendships, and contribute to our young people and local community.
Being a member of our team is really easy and it doesn’t mean making a regular commitment. It’s flexible and you can get involved I a way that suits you.
We believe in building strong teams and offering flexible options to get involved. We know that we’ll do that by involving people from different walks of life with different experiences, different skills, and perspectives.