51.416816146779, 0.06016959398377 Where we meet Invicta Scout HQ Chislehurst Recreation Grounds Walden Road Kent BR7 5D When we meet Squirrels - Beavers Tuesday evenings Cubs Wednesday evenings Scouts Thursday evenings
Working with 6 to 8 year olds as a member of our beaver leadership team Do you enjoy having fun and using your imagination? Can you inspire young people aged between 5¾ and 8 years old to focus their energy and reach thei Find out more
Join our amazing beaver colony rota! We are passionate about providing the friendship and excitement of beaver scouting to our members and we want as many young people in our area to have Find out more
Working with 8 to 10½-year olds as a member of our cub leadership team Do you have a passion for trying new things? Could encourage and lead young people aged 8 to 11 years old to discover and learn through excitement, te Find out more
Join our amazing cub pack rota! We are passionate about providing the friendship and excitement of cub scouting to our members and we want as many young people in our area to have th Find out more
Working with 10½ to 14 year olds as a member of our Scouts leadership team Can you make it possible for young people aged 10 to 14 years old to experience life changing adventure? Could you support them in making decisions, t Find out more
Join our amazing scout troop rota! We are passionate about providing the friendship and excitement of scouting to our members and we want as many young people in our area to have the op Find out more
Try our four week challenge! Take our challenge and try some of the fun and adventure of scouting for yourself! The four week challenge is a chance for you to test drive scouting. Find out more
Help steer our group, as a member of our group leadership team If you would like to help scouting but don't have the time to be a leader or helper, then our group trustee board is a great way of helping our group Find out more
Try our four week challenge! Take our challenge and try some of the fun and adventure of scouting for yourself! The four week challenge is a chance for you to test drive scouting. Find out more
Help us spread the word about the adventure of scouting as our Playground Champion Do you regular chat to the other parents in the school playground while you wait for your child to come out of school? If you do, then this could be j Find out more
Try our four week challenge! Take our challenge and try some of the fun and adventure of scouting for yourself! The four week challenge is a chance for you to test drive scouting. Find out more
Help make decisions for our group as a member of our group trustee board If you would like to help scouting but don't have the time to be a leader or helper, then our group trustee board is a great way of helping our group Find out more
Try our four week challenge! Take our challenge and try some of the fun and adventure of scouting for yourself! The four week challenge is a chance for you to test drive scouting. Find out more